A Groundbreaking Book by Dr. Rosilda Alves

The Garden of Secrets:
Hope & Healing

The Garden of Secrets is a groundbreaking book by Dr. Rosilda Alves that provides hope, encouragement, insights, and avenues to start the long-overdue dialogue on sexual abuse. It is time for a paradigm shift in our collective cultures to provide safety, love, and protection for women and children.

Dr. Rosilda Alves, a courageous champion for the children of Cabo Verde and all survivors of sexual trauma, confronts every taboo and breaks through the shadows to shed light on the real pain of victims. Yet, she provides a way out with powerful pathways to healing. This book is a gift, and we should be grateful.

About the Book

The Garden of Secrets is a vital resource for anyone affected by sexual abuse, whether directly or indirectly. If you have been sexually abused, you are not alone. In the United States, one out of three girls and one out of seven boys are sexually abused by the time they reach the age of eighteen (Bass & Davis, 1998, p. 20).

Incest and sexual abuse occur in all cultures and classes, leaving destructive and lifelong consequences. It is particularly challenging to address when the harm is inflicted by a family member, creating a painful dilemma between helping one family member and punishing another. However, it is crucial to acknowledge this silent cancer eating away at the souls of girls and boys in the United States, Cabo Verde, its Diaspora, and global communities for multiple generations.

This book focuses on the Cabo Verdean community because, unlike many cultures that have begun to discuss and understand the detrimental effects of sexual abuse, much of the Cabo Verdean population—particularly in the most rural, impoverished, and less educated areas—remains in denial. Many make excuses, and the general population often chooses to minimize its impact. This denial stems from the patriarchal nature of Cabo Verdean society, where male privilege dominates and negative behaviors are excused. Most Cabo Verdean children are expected to obey and respect adults and remain silent. When incest occurs, these children feel alone, scared, confused, and usually remain quiet, unable to voice their pain.

It is time to change the current status, to move from protecting the perpetrator to nurturing, protecting, and loving the victim(s) to prevent further destruction of our children’s spirits. Although the book primarily focuses on females, the information provided is also applicable to male victims. Incest among boys is prominent in all cultures and classes and is also present in the Cabo Verdean community. Dr. Rosilda Alves acknowledges their pain and suffering, emphasizing that while the book focuses on one particular culture, its insights and guidance are relevant to all collectivist cultures.

This book is for survivors of sexual abuse, their families, communities, and anyone dedicated to supporting and protecting victims. It provides hope, encouragement, and practical avenues to begin the long-overdue dialogue on sexual abuse, aiming to create a safer world where trauma, assault, and abuse are recognized and addressed as the destructive forces they are.

Book Signing Events

Topics Covered

Definition of Incest: Understanding what incest is and its implications.

Psychological Impact of Sexual Abuse: Exploring how sexual abuse affects the mental health of survivors.

How Sexual Abuse Impacts Children: Discussing the specific ways sexual abuse affects children.

Psychological Signs: Identifying the psychological signs of sexual abuse in victims.

Damages to Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Examining the long-term damages caused by sexual abuse.

Psychological Impact: Delving into the deep psychological scars left by sexual trauma.

Protect the Survivors: Emphasizing the importance of protecting and supporting survivors.

It’s Everyone’s Responsibility to Protect the Victim: Calling for collective responsibility in safeguarding victims.

Healing: Offering pathways and methods for healing from sexual abuse.

Community Responsibility: Advocating for community involvement in addressing sexual abuse.

Community Changes: Proposing necessary changes within communities to protect children.

Hope for the Future: Inspiring hope and action for a safer future for all children.


Dr. Rosilda Jame’s Hope for Her Readers

Dr. Alves hopes this book will serve as a catalyst for creating a safe world for children, where their trauma and abuse are addressed and healed. She speaks to the heart of all victims who have yet to share their stories or are unable to disclose due to emotional, financial, or survival reasons. She prays that readers find the courage to transform their lives, no longer living as victims, and create a culture where children feel safe to share their stories in the security of love and protection. This book also offers guidance to parents, extended family, and community members, providing effective tools to support boys and girls and encouraging perpetrators to seek help and be accountable.

Too many children feel like they are all alone when it comes to sexual abuse. In Dr. Alves’ book, Garden of Secrets, exposes the issue of sexual abuse in a particular community which in my view was so important because those victims and families can better relate to the issue at hand which in turn gives them the power to say enough is enough.” – Socorro H. | Amazon

“This book is what was missing to help many find their voices to feel empowered to speak up of the abuse that so many want to keep a secret. The reading is so simple, non-judgmental and yet with so many examples that help anyone understand the importance of not having secrets.” – Sandra M.  | Amazon

“We need to put a stop to these people who are ruining the lives of many innocent children. They are corrupting & breaking them down before they have any opportunity to experience life and happiness. We must protect our children from these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Your book is amazing.” – Chris B.  | Amazon